Ok - I'm an admitted babycenter adict. Not only do I obsess over posting in the cloth diaper, attachment parenting, and February 2010 Toasted and Crunchy group, but I am also the proud owner of the "No Cry Sleep Solution" group. Yep. . . BBC is my guilty pleasure where I can do to talk about my DD STTN, exBF, practicing UP, AP, CD, BLW, NCSS. If YKWIM. And don't even mention it to DH. :)
So I'm not really sure which board led me to it, but I came across the the magic of the Amber Teething necklace. Probably from a fellow crunchy mom, I'm not sure -- either way I was tired of drugging poor B with Ibuprofen, Motrin, Tylenol, and/or Oragel every night and thought I'd give it a go. Courtesy eBay, I found a cheap necklace from Lithuania. . . shipped it on accident to my old house, and finally received it Thursday, probably about 5 weeks after the first order. I was sceptical, but hopeful.
So what's the deal with this Amber teething necklace? Apparently, Baltic amber serves as an analgesic to alleviate teething pain and assist with the typical side effects such as restlessness, drooling, and irritability. It is an organic substance, a "fossil resign" produced by pine trees. It is made up of 3-8% succinic acid, a scientifically examied medical substance used in contemporary medicine. Amber historically and scientifically accelerates our natural immune systems ability to heal wounds and reduces inflammation in the ears, throat, stomach, and respiratory system. So according to what they say, no tablets, medications, or pastes can compete with this amber. See more here.
So, we are on day 4. All I know, is B is definitely gnawing less, and last night was a record sleep night; 13 hours w/o waking and she napped for 2.5 hours. She had been sleeping great for awhile, but now that her top molars are making their debut, she's been waking once or twice every night to "nurse" (or gnaw) and finally drift off to dreamland after 30-45 min. I blame the teeth for everything. . . . But I'd say it's definitely looking good for the necklace.
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