The funniest part about cloth diapering is the crazy names they come up with. FuzziBunz, BumGenious, Econobum, Bummis, Bumkins, Thirsties, Cutiepoops, Pooters, Bumware Extreme, Rumparooz. . . the list is practically endless. We are about 3 weeks into our cloth diapering adventure. Here's our status:
First off, I never knew there were so many options when it came to cloth diapers. I mean, besides all of the BRANDS, there are so many different styles. Cloth diapering today is not what is used to be. We've come a long way from the old fashioned folded, pinned, and plastic covered diapers. Not to mention evolutions in washing machines and other fansy tools to make cloth diapering for the most part, pretty easy. Today's cloth diapers are elasticized, waterproof and breathable, and manageable with velcro-like closures or snaps. Did I mention they are absolutely adorable? I'm going mostly with the pocket diapers, which are basically just like a diaper shell that you stuff w/ an insert (the absorbent material). We have one AIO (all-in-one) which is just what it says, an all-in-one. Just like a 'sposie (disposable) but you don't throw it away. The downside is it takes longer to dry. . . Then we have 2 prefolds, which are the old fashioned kind that your mom/grandma probably used were you have to use pins -- but now they have a fantsy thing called a snappi that makes it easier (we have one of those, too). So the prefold then has to be covered if you want to stay dry, so we have one cover. Then I made 1 prefold into a fitted, and made 2 other fitted diaper a-la-sewing machine. So technically, we have 12 diapers. I haven't purchased any duos, flats, fitteds, or AI2s.
So WHY go cloth? Well, they #1 they are cheaper. I spent around $900 the first year for diapers for B (About $15/week for a box of 'sposies. . . sometimes I could make it almost 2 weeks). So I would probably spend somewhere between $2,000-$3,000 by the time she is potty trained. I was and would be spending my hard earned money on what is essentially garbage. And once she's potty trained, those diapers are GONE. In comparison, so far I've spent about $120 in cloth diapers -- I expect I'll probably buy many more and spend somewhere around $300-$500. I just saved myself AT LEAST $1,000. Not to mention, these cloth diapers can be used for one or more successive children, doubling or tripling (even quadrupling -- wink wink hubby) our savings. Now that's something to get excited about.
#2 They are healthier for B! I know. . . that sounds so crunchy of me. I really don't think 'sposies are all that bad, and so far, I'm still using them at night until I take that plunge (I'm worried about leaks). I DO know that Pampers Baby Dry gave B a rash b/c of the chemicals used to keep her "dry". Same thing happened to my sisters boys. And when you look up info, there do seem to be some serious concerns about the toxic chemicals that they use in 'sposies that allow SOME parents to go ALL DAY before changing their little one (especially low income families that can't afford diapers. . . if only they would go cloth!). Dioxin, Tributyl-tin, and sodium polyacrylate are just a few of the chemicals used and found in disposable diapers. If you really want the nitty gritty, go here, but basically -- they are all toxins.
#3 They are healthier for our mother. Earth. :) 80% of the US uses disposables, which adds up to about 18 billion diapers per year. That is literally TONS of plastic and hundreds of thousands of trees that are wasted for manufacturing these neatly wrapped packages of excrement, which will become entombed in a landfill for several hundred years. And lets not even talk about that urine and feces possibly leaching into the ground and contaminating our ground water supply. I know I sound like a giant extremist tree hugger, but admit it -- that's gross! Not something I want to contribute to, if at all possible.
So three weeks in and I'm actually kind of loving it. It's rather addicting. I feel good about myself for saving our family money and doing what is healthiest for B and for the planet. I just keep those happy thoughts in my mind while I'm emptying the smelly cloth bum covers into the washer and it really doesn't seem so bad. Not to mention, I'm always caught up on laundry now, so hubs isn't complaining for not having work shirts clean 30 minutes before he leaves for work!
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