So here's my list of things I've tried, what it is, and why I liked, didn't like, etc, and why.
As in "No shampoo". That's right. Shampoo (and conditioner, and most all hair products) are a complete waste of time and money. You wash/shampoo your hair to get out the dirt and oil, meanwhile stripping all of the moisture and richness of your hair. Then add another product to add the oil and moisture back in. It's a vicious cycle. Hair products have so many additives, chemicals, etc, that are SO bad for you and your precious locks!! You can instead use baking soda and vinegar (apple cider vinegar) to cleanse/condition, and only do it a few times as week! So much better.
Well, I did it and I did love it. However, FYI it does NOT work well with hard water, b/c of all of the crap that is in hard water, so it started leaving a residue on my hair. The solution to the problem is to wash with distilled water, but. . . that's a bit too much work than I was willing to do, so until we call Culligan Man, I'm done.

Use it. With everything. I use coconut oil instead of hair mouse. I use it in cooking. I use it for diaper rash, and when the girls get eczema flare ups. It is magical. And I just read, taking 2 TBSP a day helps with Dementia and Alzheimer's! It is seriously the magical food. I have 3 giant tubs in our house.
Colloidal Silver
Again, magic. When you google and read about it, the review and context is mixed. It *is* a natural antibiotic. It is also anti fungal, antiVIRAL, antibacterial, and has been shown to cure diseases and even cancer. 2-3 drops any time the girls show signs of an ear infection, and we're good. When I feel a cold coming on or anytime I become ill, I take 1 tsp/day. I love it.
Natural Birth & Hypnobabies
The link on hypnobabies will take you to my blog, but yes I did it, yes I think it worked, and yes I recommend it
Couldn't have survived #2 without it. Every mom should own at least 1 good sling or carrier. I love my ring sling. I love my wrap. I wish I had something fancy but that's another story :) Wear your baby, it's just common sense.
Extended Breastfeeding
So glad the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until 2 years of age or beyond (Get on board AAP - who is at 12 months or 'as long as mother and baby desire'). Isabelle weaned at 2 years. I'm hoping to make it at least that long with Sophia. You always have a way to soothe them. Always have a nutrition supply. Don't have to worry about picky eating. Easy to get them to bed/nap.
Organic/Clean Eating

Chiropractic Care
I'd kinda sorta heard bits and pieces about chiropractic care here and there. I remember when a co-worker mentioned it to me kind of thinking it was weird when she said that instead of her parents taking her to the doctor when she got sick, she usually went to the chiropractor. I love my doctor, I do. I'd already been looking into what chiropractics can do for you and how everything affects your body, your immune system, etc, and then B got sick. I sent her with Lee to have her cough checked out. He came home with a prescription for antibiotic and was told she had an ear infection. Which I believe, I don't doubt she did. But all I could think about was everything I have been taught about how ineffective antibiotics are for ear infections, how they exasperate the problem in the long run, and on and on. She wasn't complaining of any ear pain -- so I DIDN'T give her that evil antibiotic, dropped a few drops of colloidal silver in her ears for a few days, and made an appointment w/ a chiropractor. We're only a few weeks in, but Isabelle's ear infection cleared. Sophia slept through the night for the first time. And I really think this is so much better for their overall health than western medicine.
For the sake of argument, we won't open this can of worms on a grand scale. I won't go into what we have/have not done specifically. But just know this:

- Vaccines contain an assortment of chemicals, including formaldehyde & antifreeze? (Let's not even mention mercury and aluminum)
- Some vaccines are made from aborted fetal tissues
- You are more likely to die or have a major reaction from the polio vaccine than you are to ever die from or become seriously ill with polio itself. Same with MMR. Then there is always vaccine-derived polio. Google it.
- Pharmaceutical companies claim that vaccines caused a rapid decline in the diseases they are said to prevent, yet they were already on rapid decline before the vaccinations were introduced. We don't have vaccines for Scarlet Fever and Typhoid, but have no problems with them today. Waste of money, perhaps??
- SIDS is more common in nations with more vaccines does. Vaccines are linked to insulin-dependent diabetes. Children who receive Hep B according to the schedule have 9x higher rate of developmental disabilities than unvaccinated children.
- Food for thought: Something like 2-4% of adults receive their boosters/vaccinations. Yet. . . most of us are all just fine and never get the diseases we vaccinate our children for.
I could go on.
Oil cleanse
Similar to "No Poo" but for faces. Same thing; the amount of stuff we do to our skin, our face, to turn around and UN-do it. . . Oil Cleanse using the basic principles that the best way to get rid of oil is with oil (oil and water don't mix). You want to get rid of dirt and oil, without stripping out the GOOD oils, which is what causes your skin to over-produce oils and/or give you dry skin and breakouts. For some time, I would cleanse my face using a mixture of castor oil and extra-virgin olive oil. Worked great, I loved it, but the problem for me was that you have to massage the oil in for 5-7 minutes and then wipe it off w/ a hot steamy wash cloth. I just don't have time for that with 2 small children!!
Cloth Diapering
We cloth diaper about 75% of the time. I don't use cloth overnight, or if we are gone for the day. But when I do, I love it. Comfier. Cheaper. Cuter. Safer. Although somewhat addicting. . .
Amber Teething Necklaces
Every mother should own one. I will say that Sophia's first necklace was the dark amber and it did NOTHING for her. But then I bought a raw honey colored necklace and it worked great. Just like with Isabelle, I went from giving her ibuprofen/acetaminophen and teething tablets or oragel regularly (NOT so crunchy of me!) to MAYBE 5-6 times in the past 9 months of so. Has not helped with Sophias sleep so much, but hey - I'll take what I can get!
We are not true co-sleepers. Isabelle wasn't welcomed into our room until she was 2ish, and it hasn't become consistent until the past 4-6 months. Sophia started in our room in the pack-n-play, but soon realized it was hard to do her AND Isabelle, and it was just easier to put her in her crib in her room. But co-sleeping is natural. It's healthy. Studies show it's good for their self-esteem :). They will NOT be in bed with you until they leave for college, so I think it's something to embrace.
Homemade Detergent
Crunchy or just cheap? I think a little of both. It's really pretty easy, but my husband is too picky when it comes to his clothing so I stopped doing it :(