I just needed a post to brag about B's cuteness.
Sometimes, I think she might be the happiest baby on the planet. She is laughing ALL the time. No wonder I love spending all day with her; she's amazing! She can take a giant tumble on the pavement and hardly put up a fuss. (No joke, just happened last month. Blood and all.)

I read about moms dealing with tantrums as young as 8 months. "EIGHT MONTHS?!" I thought. Thank goodness, our tantrums have been held at bay so far. Even when she's upset and has a mini-fit, she's cute. She jumps up and down and grunts, usually looses her balance and falls and then laughs at herself. Fit over. Life is good again.
She loves to make people laugh and will do whatever it takes to keep their attention. She's really into slap-stick comedy, it's hilarious.
She has the biggest, best smile on the plant. It lights up the entire block.

Dancing is her forte. Man can she shake it. Add some spinning into the mix and it's a giant bundle of cuteness. And now, she even likes to dote around the house with a microphone so she can let the world know, "I'm HERE!!!" She started mimicking dancing on TV and will try to mock the motions of "Super Why!" and "Happy Feet". Cute, cute.
She loves EVERYBODY. Of course she'll play shy at first, but really it's just to keep their attention; keep them doting over her, telling her how cute/sweet/pretty she is. Men especially are her favorites. If any of daddy's buddies are over, or Uncle Scott is around. . . PaPaw, Uncle Bubby, PopPop. . . forget mom. She's got some men to win over.
B LOVES to give kisses. She'll kiss anything. Yesterday, I caught her trying to kiss an ant. No joke. She'll hug and kiss almost every stuffed animal she comes across, and I think that's the only thing she likes about saying Good-Bye; she gets to give kisses to everyone. She is SO unbelievably full of love it's, well. . . unbelievable. She was giving awesome hugs as soon as she was old enough to grab hold.

She walks cute. She talks cute. She sleeps cute. She is just So. Darn. Cute.
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