"Let It Go".
Oh. . . anyone with a girl (or even CHILD) between 2-14 has probably heard that phrase 1,000 times since "Frozen" came out last Thanksgiving. But this post is totally unrelated. (Sorry)
Yesterday I went shopping for some misc supplies to start getting my home photography studio set up. I've had a bean bag chair that was needing extra fill and happened to notice a huge (HUUUUGE) bag for only $10, so I snatched it.
It happened so quickly. I thought, "Oh, I'll just fill it up really quickly before nap time."
I opened it. B came over to "help". Once squeeze on that giant plastic bomb and we had tiny, electro-charged little styrofoam balls EVERYWHERE.
Ok. . . perhaps I could've -- or should've -- just stopped there. It was obviously going to get very messy, very quickly.
Most moms know and understand that "point" you reach at times like this. When things go from "OMG, what just happened?" to "NO!!! STOP!!! DON'T LET IT HAPPEN!" to "OH. . . WHAT THE HELL. . . "

As the balls flowed out onto the floor, I started to tell Isabelle not to touch them and to go in the other room. But I stopped myself. I imagined how exciting they must be -- even better than bubble wrap!!! It was like snow. . . that didn't make you cold!! And *look* -- they stick to you like leeches!!
I'm honestly dilutional enough that I thought to myself, "Oh, what a great science lesson on static electricity". Ha, as if we haven't had that lesson every day since winter began and we set off sparks just by walking through the house in our slippers before touching the handle on the garage door!
So. . . I just let it go. I let them play and be kids. When I was grimacing as they began throwing it in the air and stomping it into the next room. . . and then down the hall. . . and into the kitchen. . . I let it go. I watched and laughed.
AND THEN I (with some more "help" from B)cleaned up tiny styrofoam balls for the next hour. And I'm still finding them over 48 hours later. They. Are. EVERYWHERE!!!!
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