She's always cracked me up and it's even harder to remember to record those funny moments. But here are a few I wanted to note before I forgot.
- We recently started potty training. She prefers to sit without a training seat on the big toilet and sit backwards. When she poops, she'll wave and say "hi" to the poop, blow it a kiss, and the first time she pooped on the potty she also pointed out to me where the mouth was. Aka, the pinched off end :)
- EVERYTHING right now is mommy/daddy. She likes to point out mommies and daddies at the store. If there are two adult sized items together, it's mommy and daddy. Like her rubber duckies at bath time. Or her horse stickers we just bought. And if she can, she likes to make mommy and daddy object kiss. <3 The funniest was yesterday when she woke from nap and pointed to Dumbo the elephant and said, "Daddy. Dumbo." Buhahaha!!!
- Since Aunt Jen had her baby, Isabelle has been wanting to pretend to be a baby again. She wants to be held like a baby, sit on my lap to eat, and have me give her her sippie of milk while being cradled. I don't mind indulging her, but after finally decided to wean her from breastfeeding (via don't offer, don't refuse), she's suddenly deciding to want to nurse again. But yesterday, she wanted to nurse from daddy. And he let her try; w/o much luck. Then she kept asking for "Daddy's milk" over and over and we had to explain to her that only mommies make milk and I would have some again once the baby came out of my belly.

Funny quirks I want to remember when she's 16:
- She loves to wear sunglasses. And usually upside down. Inside, outside, rain or shine, she wants her "Gasses".
- She finally learned our dog, Cierra's, name. So now, Cierra is referred to as Ci-Ci but McKenna (who we call Mac) is still either dog, woof-woof, or also gets called Ci-Ci.
- When the dogs are being bad, she's say, "Egh-egh!!" at them just like mommy. Unfortunately she's also learned if they come too close to her when she wants space, she can just scram at the top of her lungs and they'll leave her alone.
- She almost ALWAYS will ask for cheese before bed. It's a good bedtime snack, at least :)
- She loves to dance and hula. And baths. And tutus and somersaults. And boots. And Mickey Mouse.
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