Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Parenting Myths

Parenting comes along with all kinds of styles, opinions, and philosophies as to what to do and what not to do. Some are just plain lies and honestly, they really annoy me. So I need to get it off my chest to separate fact from reality.

1. Children Misbehave
As adults. . . and humans. . .we tend to label behavior as "bad" or "good". So when a child does a behavior that WE see as bad, we say they are misbehaving. Setting aside the fact that we would never say an adult is misbehaving ("One of our guests misbehaved at our dinner party last night!"), we also fail to recognize that children are merely engaging in an activity solely for the purpose of getting a need met. They aren't MIS-behaving, they are simply engaging in a certain behavior that we don't accept. They are just DOING. Existing. Reacting. When we see it that way, it's more difficult to label "good" and "bad". That doesn't mean you have to accept it, just UNDERSTAND it. When parents understand this concept, it's much easier to understand and appreciate the logic behind gentle discipline and non-power alternatives.

2. You must let your child cry-it-out or neither of you will ever get any sleep.
You just don't have to do it. Babies cry for a reason, even if it's purely emotional and not physical (diaper is clean, belly is full, etc). See alternatives to CIO here.

3. Not weaning your baby from breastfeeding will lead to cavities.
Besides evidence against "bottle-rot" anyways, Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is actually the disease that causes tooth decay in young children and has nothing to do with being bottle OR breast fed. Besides that, breastfed babies have a different mechanism for nursing with the nipple at the back of the mouth, not allowing for breast milk to pool around the teeth. Plus, breastfed babies are less likely to develop ECC so keep on boob-feedin'!

4. Giving a baby cereal will help them sleep better.
In fact, some sleep worse due to reactions with the formula or other solids, especially if they baby is under 6 months. A baby's digestive system isn't mature enough to handle solids, and giving them too early (before 6 months) can decrease their protection from illness, allergies, and anemia.

5. You must feed babies "baby food" (aka purees).
Yeah. . . what a giant waste of money. And glass & plastic (those stupid little jars) for that matter. See alternatives here.

6. Sugar causes hyperactivity and poor behavior.
A) See #1. :) But on a more scientific note, this is SOOOO not true. And I hate when kids aren't at their best and parents are quick to blame sugar. Research has proven there is no link between sugar and inattention or hyperactivity. Parents fail to realize the circumstances behind the behavior. Like, for example, MAYBE they're acting crazy because they're wound up from running around with friends all day and missing a nap? Their minds automatically go back to the last treat they ate instead of other circumstances that might have influenced the behavior. In studies, parents who were told their child had sugar, when in fact they hadn't, would perceive a difference in behavior that is not even there. In other words, parents are delusional. Fact of the matter is, if your child's behavior is disrupting family life or affecting performance in school, it's likely a symptom of a bigger problem. Not sugar.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Switching to Organic

When B was nearing the 1-year mark, I started reading up on the myths of cows milk. After all, it seemed strange to me that we are the only animals that drink milk past childhood AND from animals of a different species. After all, you don't see us drinking rats milk. Or a dog drinking cat milk. When I researched into it, I found that the average glass of non-organic milk contains considerable amounts of hormones (injected into the cows to help them increase their supply), antibiotics (to prevent against infections, since most cows develop mastitis from their bodies unnaturally producing such large quantities of milk), blood and pus. Yes. . . pus. From the infected milk ducts. As a nursing mother, just reading this made my ta-tas hurt. Not to mention calves being taken from their mothers within a day of being born so WE can have THEIR milk (while the calves are then fed an artificial formula) made this mild "lactivist"'s heart break just a bit.

So okay; Non-organic cow's milk is now a giant turn off. The Oprah came on with the episode about "Food, Inc." I'm realizing as I type that everything I have to say may really, really gross out some people. Because, lets face it. . . it's gross! The food industry has begun to mass-produce and in the meantime, has become irresponsible in their farming practices. I'll admit that I do [kind of] want to gross you out and inspire you to eat organic, but I also want you to keep reading. So instead of harping on why non-organic is bad, let's just list why organic is good. Why I'm going to try with every ounce of myself to only buy organic beef and dairy. And just know if it's on the list, non-organic does NOT do it this way.

1. Organic farmers don't feed their animals anything but organic foods; grains, grass, hay. . . things cows and chickens are MEANT to eat, free of pesticides and other chemicals. They receive NO animal by-products, (aka ground up remains of the same species). Because of this, when you eat organic you never have to worry about contracting Hoof and Mouth or BEC disease. Which, by the way, the USDA only tests one HALF of a percent of cows for this disease whereas most other counties (like Japan, Germany, and France) test nearly 100%.

2. Cows and chickens raised as certified organic are not confined to small pins, but instead (as a regulation) have free access to open pastures and sunlight.

3. Organic meats have no growth hormones. An organic chicken takes twice the amount of time to grow than a factory chicken. They are actually able to roam around, WALK, and just be a chicken.

4. Since organic-raised animals get to get out into the fresh air, they remain naturally healthy. They aren't crowded and standing in (and eating) feces. They receive no antibiotics to help "protect" them from their unsanitary, un-natural living conditions.

5. Organic farms use 70% less energy than factory farms. Because they don't use pesticides, our ground-water is preserved. An added bonus; organic farming practices also builds top-soil and prevents erosion.

6. Organic meat TASTES BETTER! I was a major sceptic to this. I though meat was meat. But it's not! The chicken is juicier and more flavorful. The beef is leaner and tastier. I'm not the worlds best cook, but my dishes taste good even if I screw it up!

Yes, because of these strict regulations organic meat does cost more, but by eating more nutritious & healthy food, we don't need to have it 5-7 times a week. We can buy 3-4 pounds to last us 2 weeks and not be out much more money. I can supplement our diet with many other protein alternatives, and in the meantime we will feel better because we are eating better. It's really a win-win.

So. . . when are YOU going to go organic?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Breastfeeding Awareness

*I apologize, my spell check is dead. Excuses the typos*

August 1-7 is Breastfeeding Awareness week. So, of course, I have to have [another] Breast-feeding post!

I don't even remember what we were talking about, but last week I mentioned "Breastfeeding Awareness" to my dear husband and he said to me, "What?! How can people be 'aware' of breastfeeding?! Everyone knows it exisits." Haha. . . oh, the words of a man.

Obviously, we're not talking about letting the world know about Breastfeeding. Although it's nothing new to society, and infact has been around since. . . well, forever. . . it's amazing -- no -- shocking - astounding - inconceivable - how little people actually KNOW about Breastfeeding. You know me, of course I went on to elaborate (probalby more than he would've liked) about how more women need support, how most of the general public doesn't understand all of the benefits of breastfeeding, how awareness means so much more than just spreading the word "Hey ya'll, breastfeed your kids!!"

Here are a few of my favorite things I think people should know about Breastfeeding:

1. It is the preferred and reccomending way of feeding infants from the Amarican Academy of Pediatrics, American Dietetic Association, World Health Organization, UNICEF and many others well-recognized Organizations.

2. Breastmilk is easier to digest than formula. It is cheaper (MUCH) than formula. It contains antibodies that formula is missing and comes in a much nicer package.

3. Breastfeeding is good for mom, too. It shirnks mother's uterus after childbirth, promotes weight loss, decreases the risk for breast, ovarian, endometrial, and many other cancers.

4. Breastfed babies have higher I.Q.'s Seriously, look it up. Scientific fact. They also have great skin, better speech development, less spit-up and not-so-stinky poo. And they never have to be put on laxatives b/c formula is making them poop rocks.

5. Breastfeeding satisfies baby's emotions needs and increases bonding between mother and baby. This is an indescribable thing. Breastfeeding forces you to take the time to relax, hold your baby, stare into their eyes, focus entirely on them and really truely connect. Nothing is more powerful than the power of touch; being held; being loved.

6. Breast milk provides perfect infant nutrition. In fact, a pre-term infant will even receive milk specially designed for premature babies. Breastmilk also always contains the right proportions of fat, carbohydrates, and protein, changing as the needs of the child changes. No formula can do that. Our boobs are THAT GOOD.

7. Breastfed babiesare less likely to develop diabetes, obesity, allergies, asthma, ear infections, diarrheal infections, bacterial meningitis, respiratory infections, childhood cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, Hodgkins. . . etc, etc. The list goes on and on. Basically, Breastfed babies are just healthier! Which means frewer doctor visits and saving even more money!

8. Formula costs the government (and taxpayers) millions of dollars. The US government spends more than 2.5 million dollars a year to provide formula to children of non-breastfeeding mothers participating in the WIC suppliemental food program. Not to mention the costs of caring for those infants who are statistically much more likely to get sick. According the the AAP, higher breastfeeding rates could save US health care around $3.6 billion a year!

9. Breastfeeding is easier. It's always the right temperature. It's always available. It's always free of bacteria and you never have to worry about the water supply. And you also never have to worry about the latest ingredient discovered to be missing from formula (or in the recent case, added too)

10. Breastfeeding is a natural pain reliever for baby. Breastmilk contains endorphins to suppress pain and is a instant soother. Also, for sick children, human milk is the perfect remedy. For gastrointestional ailments it's naturally soothing to the intestine (no need for artifical and expensive electrolye solutions) and for respiratory illness, breastmilk not only contains antibodies but also doesn't have the components to cause excess mucous formation like formula does.

There ya go. Hope you are all Breastfed-Aware Now :)