We are now about 4 months into cloth diapering. Since I was still pretty new at it when I first posted, I though I would update how it's going.
I. Love. It.
That's right. Something about it is so addicting. Well. . . lets face it, those dipes are freekin' adorable #1. And there is something so rewarding about using reusing them, saving the money, and having something warm and fuzzy (not plastic and filled w/ chemicals) on my baby's butt. We've had a few gross poos to clean. . . but surprisingly, nothing that didn't come out easily in the wash. I'm not sure how I would've done if I would've started cloth diapering when she was a newborn. There was so many other things to learn at the time. . . but baby #2, I'm definitely thinking it's a go.

And the amber teething necklace. . . 

Also. . . I. Love. It.
I was a little sceptical about it's true powers. Yes, she started sleeping through the night and showed remarkable improvement when we first got it, but I'd also been working really really hard on that with Elizabeth Pantley's "No Cry Sleep Solution" techniques, so I didn't want to give the necklace ALL of the credit. Well, 7 days ago I lost the necklace. In only 1 day, she started waking at night again. And her naps got shorter. One night, she woke three times, which she hasn't done in a really really long time. I kept putting off ordering a new necklace thinking I was being silly. . . then broke down. And then of course that night I found her original necklace, strapped it on, and after 4 hours, she started sleeping through the night again. It works. I also read it's not effective on 20% of the population for one reason or another so if you read this and go out and buy one and it DOESN'T work. . . don't curse me. But seriously, if you have a baby, you can find them on eBay for around $12. Just a bottle of ibuprofen is $8 and you run out of that crap pretty quickly with teething. The necklace will literally last a lifetime.
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