I don't care if she is obviously at least 9 months along. Don't ask. You know you have -- shoot - *I* have. You see the cute pregnant lady at the grocery store and yearn for that feeling of a life growing inside of you that you admittedly once upon a time yearned to be over. You are curious - when are they due? What they are having? Is it there first? Besides that this is REALLY annoying to answer over and over and over for several months, it's really none of your business. But that's not all.
Even if she IS, if it's too early, she'll think you just think she's fat. Maybe it's still a secret and she's trying to hide it, so she really doesn't want to answer. A mom who looks to be nearing the end of her pregnancy STILL should never be asked. It doesn't seem like a personal question, but it might be. I starting thinking of all of the worst-case scenarios that you just never know about, especially when you're talking to a stranger. What if she is planning on giving it up for adoption? That could be hard for her. Or maybe she is pregnant with a baby that has a complication and may not make it to see it's 1st birthday -- or even it's first DAY. Perhaps she just miscarried. Perhaps. . . I don't know. . . she had a 10 lb baby and has diastasis recti and her body is just still in recovery. So just don't ask. Ever.
If you feel the need to recognize a pregnant lady you pass on the street, just smile at her. If you must say something, just tell her she is beautiful. That's what every woman needs to hear EVERY DAY. That they are beautiful.
The end.