But I was scared. Terrified, actually. Although I'm sure I've forgotten a lot, I still do remember Isabelle's birth pre-epidural and it wasn't fun. How could I do that? I'm not very pain tolerant (AT ALL), did I really think I could manage?
Well God Bless my crunchy mom group. Awhile ago I'd read an article titled, "You Know You're Crunchy When. . . " that mentioned Hypnobabies but didn't think much about it. Then it came up again here and there. . . then when I made the official decision to try for a natural birth, a fellow momma recommended it (highly) to me, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Ok, I know what you must be thinking; Seriously? Hypnosis for child-birth? What a crock. Yea, I was there, too. First off, let's de-bunk some stuff. First, this is NOT what you think of when you think of hypnosis. I'm not going to listen to some wacko CD, knock myself out, and be in a hypnotic "zone" for all of my childbirth. I'm not going to be under someone's hypnotic control and unable to think, talk, or move around for myself. This is a self-hypnosis. More specifically, it is "Eye-Open Childbirth Hypnosis" which allows me to be mobile, open my eyes, and not be dependent upon passively listening to deep relaxation and guided imagery audios. While there are CD's I can listen to during my Birthing Time, it is merely a guide. I am able to come in and out of hypnosis at my choosing.
Let's start from the beginning. Obviously, since I'm still pregnant (40 weeks and 6 days, thank you very much) I can't say yet how it affected my Birthing Time. When I first began Hypnobabies, I noticed quite a few differences. First, I was feeling more positive about my pregnancy. Part of the Hypnobabies program is to rid your subconscious of all of the negative feelings and perceptions of pregnancy and childbirth. In other counties, it is seen as a gift! A rite of passage, if you will. Women actually look forward to it. There is no fear or doubt involved it is simply a beautiful, natural process. Obviously here in the US, it is much much different. So hypnobabies starts with changing the words you use that might be perceived as negative. For example, you don't DELIVER your baby, you GIVE BIRTH (we deliver pizzas). You're not having CONTRACTIONS, you're having PRESSURE WAVES. You aren't in labor (labor is hard work!), you are in your BIRTHING TIME. The images and thoughts your subconscious associates with many words are unpleasant, so they want to reset that way of thinking. Also, throughout your entire pregnancy once you begin the program, you listen to a "Joyful Pregnancy Affirmations" track that is full of positive messages regarding your pregnancy and Child Birth. Things like, "I love my pregnant body and accept it every day", "It is safe for me to verbalize my feelings and desires", "My baby knows how and when to be born, and I am patient". Stuff like that. And while I'll admit, the first few times it felt really hoaky, I will say that just a few days into the program I started feeling better. Now, I actually look forward to listening to them and will turn them on whenever I am feeling discouraged or negative to boost me back up. And - even better - I started sleeping better. Normally, it would take me several hours to fall asleep at night. Now, I can put in a Hypnobabies track, and I am out in about 15 minutes. That alone made it worth it!!

So besides being more positive about my pregnancy and sleeping better, I also recommend Hypnobabies because of all of the information in the course material. It gives excellent information on nutrition, pregnancy exercises, and explains the birthing process in great detail. Of course it explains hypnosis and how it works, it has tips on birthing positions and what to do when your birthing time comes, not to mention the pushing stage, breastfeeding, and much more. I really believe ANY mom - especially a new mom - should read it. For me, most importantly was the understanding I received on how the uterine muscles work. And they work best when the body is completely relaxed. Let me assure you, I was NOT completely relaxed when I was in my Birthing Time with B!! But this depth of relaxation can be reached fairly easily with hypnosis and once I was able to learn the skill and practice them at home every day, it made me more confident that my experience this time around will be much, much more comfortable and positive.
Hypnobabies also allows you to remain alert and continue moving freely during your Birthing Time by creating for you a "mental light switch". So when you first do your finger drop, you are switching your mental light switch to "off", so your body should go completely limp and loose. Later in the series, you develop the center position. In the center position, the area between the top of your chest and the middle of your thighs [is taught] to remain limp and loose, while the rest of your body can now move, allowing you to speak, walk, and do anything you need to do to remind comfortable. But you control the switch, hence why it is a SELF hypnosis.
It's all really very simple and like I said, I love it now even if things don't go as planned. Hopefully by learning and practicing hypnosis, I will have more control over my body and emotions. I'll be able to be an active participant in my birth process and be able to trust in my body's natural ability to give birth. Rumor has it mothers who use hypnobabies have shorter labors because they are able to remain more relaxed and allow their bodies to do their job. They typically have more energy because of this relaxation and the birth environment in general is much more calm and peaceful. Statically, 70-75% of Hypno-moms report they had very comfortable births, feeling mostly pressure, tightening or mild cramping sensations. Hopefully I'll fall into that percentage!!
Hypnobabies Birth on YouTube